Rubbish Removal

Rubbish removal Information

Using a Rubbish Removal service can be a great way to get rid of rubbish/junk from your property. For removal times & prices click


There are many providers of this type of service in the Greater Auckland Area.

Here are some tips for you to think about when looking at rubbish removal.

  • Have your rubbish easily accessible the quicker your rubbish is removed the better saving you can make.
  • Some rubbish removal companies provide a no obligation quote don’t be afraid to ask for one.
  • If your rubbish is out side try to keep it covered as wet rubbish is heavy rubbish and can save  you  $$$ on disposal fees.
  • Property’s situated up a steep or narrow drive way find out the size of the truck being used to limit any potential obstacles.
  • Enquire about the companies recycle polices as this can cut down the amount of rubbish ending up in landfill.
  • If your neighbour has rubbish that needs removing also most removal companies will negotiate a special rate to get it done on the same day.

Let us know if you have any other tips to add to the list, or if you have an enquiry about rubbish removal, we can help.